Who We Are

We are a group of individuals who are driven by a passion for biotechnology and pharmaceuticals in all aspects of the industrial, clinical, academic, and entrepreneurial settings. We are a diverse community of researchers, innovators, and creators who all share an interest in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and related industries. Since our interests are extremely interdisciplinary, encompassing the fields of medicine, food and nutrition, law and ethics, environmental science, and much more, we welcome students of all majors and backgrounds to be part of the Beta Rho Chi community.

As a professional society, we organize professional, social, networking, as well as philanthropic events for our members which include:

  • Unique informational panels and opportunities from experts in their respective fields

  • Entrepreneurial-interest projects, professional development workshops, and internship/research boards

  • Retreats, socials, and kickbacks

  • Domestic and international humanitarian fundraisers